Here’s our July 2022 calendar. We’ll update this as events are added, especially breakfast providers!! Contact Dave, Kim, Julie, or Evan if you want to provide breakfast or support a special event.
Key Events:
- Art Room, 10-11 am, Wednesdays. This weekly event allows our friends to express their creativity using an abundance of art supplies generously donated by our community. It’s quickly becoming one of our most popular times of the week.
- Trash Pickup, Monthly, second Tuesday starting at 10:30 am. Evan leads a group of volunteers on a mission to clean up our community. This is a great way to get to know someone while helping our community.
- Community Connections, 3rd Thursday, 8-10 am. This is a huge event that is really gaining momentum. Last month, three of our friends walked away with great temp jobs! We’re up to 16 agencies representing a wide array of support: medical, legal, employment, and much more. The “big room” wasn’t big enough, so we’re back outside for July, but in the shade with the parking lot blocked off appropriately.
- Thursdays, 8-10 am. We’re blessed to have many clothing donations! Each Thursday, Karen needs a small group to sort through donations, tag, and hang clothing for a few hours.
- Yoga with Lisa Anderson, July 25, 8:30 am. We’re honored to have Lisa lead a yoga session for our friends once again in July.