HOPE Missions is blessed to have volunteers that support our desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to over 50 people every day that we’re open. One of our super volunteers is Jenni Marchbanks. Jenni’s work schedule only allows her to help out a few times a month before she goes to work, but that hasn’t stopped her from volunteering! We’re blessed to enjoy the biscuits she provides and it’s a great help for us. And we believe it’s a great start to her day.

Last week, I asked Jenni if she’d be willing to write down some of her thoughts to encourage others who might want to volunteer, but feel like they don’t have time. Here’s what she had to say:

HOPE Missions in Anderson, aka Honey’s Place, is a place where local people, who are in need, check-in 3 times a week. They check-in to take a shower at Clean Start, but they aren’t just a number that gets called for a shower.  They also check in to a handful of people that know them by name, that are happy to see them, and that let them know they care. Breakfast is provided: usually coffee, with a hard-boiled egg, fruit, oatmeal, biscuits, etc.  Simple food, but plentiful, warm, and filling.

I’ve had the opportunity through my church, Gospel Light, to provide biscuits for Honey’s Place twice a month. It means getting up a little earlier on those days, changing my morning routine a bit, but the blessing I receive more than makes up for any extra “work” that has to be done. 

I love the way the staff/volunteers interact with those that check in each day. I love seeing them live out our calling as Christians – to Love God and Love Others.  It’s not us and them – it’s us. We’re all just trying to make it in this world while we are here. Some just have it a little harder than others.

HOPE Missions could use more partners to provide breakfast a few times a month, volunteers to help make the coffee, eggs, etc, people/churches to provide donations of money and other necessities (Current Needs) – things like under-clothes, bottled water, blankets – just to name a few.

God WILL provide for the needs of the poor, but He called us – The Church – His body of believers – to be the hands and feet that He uses to do that.   He called us to serve. Why not consider volunteering YOUR time, treasure and/or talent?  Why NOT you? By Jenni Marchbanks

Thanks Jenni, and all of the amazing volunteers at Honey’s Place. We are grateful for your support and know that God is smiling when He sees His children loving each other!

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