We serve a God who cares so much for His creation that He sent Jesus to walk amongst us. Throughout scripture, we are reminded to care for those who are oppressed — those who are poor, orphans, widows, fatherless, and foreigners. Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy (see Luke 4:16-21):

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

We see over 125 people each day, nearly 300 unique individuals each week. Their eyes carry burdens we cannot imagine. Their bodies carry the weight of mistakes for which they are judged mercilessly every day. Let us be the people of Christ who show love to the hurting in our community. May we be restless in our pursuit of God’s call in our lives and reckless in our love for all we serve? May we truly be the hands and feet of Jesus today.

The following is a prayer offered during our morning devotion time at the Mission (with a few modifications). Please consider praying this daily. I hope are able to insert names in place of “they” or “them”. I hope you can see the faces of those easily within walking distance of the Mission. Most of all, I hope that you will pray, then do something about the prayer.

Heavenly Father, we turn to You today, bringing forth the plight of those who are unhoused, those without homes. We ask that You bless them with comfort in their discomfort, strength in their struggles, and resilience in the face of adversity.

May Your love envelop them, reminding them they are not alone or forgotten. Please provide them with hope, a hope that can pierce through the darkest nights and the harshest realities. Fill their hearts with courage to face each new day despite the trials they encounter.

Lord, we pray for those who extend a helping hand to those experiencing homelessness. Bless them with patience, compassion, and the resources needed to make a difference. Guide them as they strive to provide physical nourishment, emotional support, and a sense of community.

May those who are unhoused feel Your presence in their struggles, Lord. Let us show each other the love of Christ so each may know they are loved and valued. Provide comfort during cold nights, strength during challenging times, and hope for a brighter future. Amen.

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