We serve a God who cares so much for His creation that He sent Jesus to walk amongst us. Throughout scripture, we are reminded to care for those who are oppressed — those who are poor, orphans, widows, fatherless, and foreigners. Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy (see Luke 4:16-21): The Spirit of the Lord is on me,because he has anointed meto proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to […]

We’ve made some changes to our Wishlist process. Instead of one long list that seems intimidating for our friends, we now have two lists: Immediate Top Needs These are items that we need to purchase for our operations now. Many of our friends want to buy things for us, so the shortlist includes underwear, coffee, and bowls for grits!! The cost of items listed here ranges from about $8 for […]

Enable: 1) To give someone or something the authority or means to do something; 2) To make (a device or system, or let me offer…person) operational; activate In the recovery world and often in the world of people experiencing homelessness, the word “enable” has taken on a negative connotation. Recovery experts tell us that we should not “enable” our addict to continue in his/her addiction. They aren’t wrong. Many well-meaning […]

Years ago, during our time serving in the Air Force, we were stationed at RAF Alconbury in England. One of our goals was to use the weekends to explore ancient monuments, ruins, and especially castles like Warwick Castle or the infamous Leeds Castle. The visits with our young children were fascinating. We learned about England’s medieval history, about knights, kings, queens, and royal families. We walked in dungeons that reminded […]

One of the core principles of HOPE Missions is to serve our neighbors with unbounded love. We are the hands and feet of Jesus! It’s not a new idea by any means. The way we implement the command of Jesus to love one another centers on the word, Serve. I learned the hard way that “help” is a four-letter word. When we started HOPE Missions, we stepped into a huge […]